Inquiries, investigations and more humbling activities around • our most essential expression as humans • the connections and impacts of our choices
Journey Map : What the learning will include
Introduction to the module
Guidelines for the content
Starting a Garden
Resource Pool
Cooking and Eating
Background and Pedagogy
Central Questions
A) Mind Map
B) Unpacking what we know
C) Discussion
D) Homework: Speak to a grandparent
Preparing: Soil, Manure, Water, Mulch
Background and Pedagogy
Central Questions
A) Conversation about Food Ideology
B) Movie about Food Industry
C) Discussion
D) Thought Experiment: Island Question
E) Homework: Geo-cultural Journeys of Food
Background and Pedagogy
Central Questions
A) Gathering Individual perspectives on the hunting-gathering way of life
B) Discussions around 'advanced Vs primitive' etc
C) Case Study on the Bushmen of the Kalahari
C) Case Study on the Onge people of the Andamans
C) Case Study on the Warli of Maharashtra
D) Sharing insights about hunting-gathering cultures
E) Homework: Hunting-Gathering for Non-Humans
Gathering, Foraging, Cooking
Seeds, Sowing and Germination
Background and Pedagogy
Central Questions
A) Introduction to Nomadic Pastoralism
B) Video Clips and Photo Essay on different Nomadic Pastoralists
C) Discussion
D) Settled Pastoralism
E) Reflections
F) Homework: Nomadic Pastoralists today
Background and Pedagogy
Central questions
A) Sharing Homework
B) Overview on agrarian life (Video)
C) Sharing perspectives
D) Reading: On Belonging
E) Writing on Belonging
F) Discussion
G) Homework
Making by Hand
Caring for the Garden: Composting, Watering, Jeevamritam, Harvesting
Background and Pedagogy
Central questions
A) A brief exploration
B) Caste and land in British India
C) Further thoughts: Discussion
D) Further thoughts: Writing
E) Crown Rule & Commercialisation
F) Homework: Interview to gather intergenerational views on colonial period
Background and pedagogy
Central questions
A) Discussion on Plantations
B) Case Study on Plantations in the Western Ghats
C) Further reflections
D) Homework
Background and Pedagogy
Central questions
A) Introduction
B) Political Motivations behind promoting the 'Green Revolution'
C) Technological Face of the 'Green Revolution '
D) Impacts in Punjab and rest of India
E) Homework: Intensive Agriculture around you
Exploring more wholesome foods
Local Organic Farm
Background and pedagogy
Central Questions
A) Corporate control over the food system
B) Horrors of the modern day meat industry
C) Homework: Visit to a Poultry Farm and Essay
Background and Pedagogy
Central questions
A) How much do you know about GMOs ?
B) Introduction to GMOs
C) Exploring Claim 1: GMOs are an extension of traditional practices, and a part of human progress
D) Exploring Claim 2: Genetic Modification is an exact science and is safe
E) Exploring Claim 3: GMOs can help us address many challenges in modern agriculture including climate change, but are being stalled by uneducated fearful people
F) Homework & Further Reading: GMO around us?
Background and Pedagogy
A) Introduction
Central Questions
B) A Look Into the Movements: Organic Farming (Readings & Videos)
C) A Look into the Movements: Natural Farming & Permaculture (Readings & Videos)
D) A Look into the Movements: Alternative Retail (Readings & Videos)
E) A Look into the Movements: Challenges from the Kitchen (Reading)
F) Homework: Movements around you
Local Counter-Currents
Background and pedagogy
Central Questions
A) Perspectives on land degradation
B) Land degradation in the context of climate change
C) Drivers of degradations
References of chapter (apart from cited research)
Background and Pedagogy
Central Questions
A) Mind Map
Part One: Relationships
B) Mind Map 2
Part two: connections
E) Discussions: Complexity, Diversification, Decentralization
References of chapter (apart from cited research)
Harvest, Seed-Saving, Planning
Caring for something around you